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Java Developer Training Course (JDTC)

The Java Developer training course provided at Polygon Technologies trains aspiring Java developers in the following core aspects:

  • skills need to write the basic Java applications.
  • The advanced Object-Oriented concepts, Collections, Logging, I/O streams, Threads and its handling, Sockets, Exception and its handling etc.
  • The latest advanced Java 6 specific concepts such as generics, annotations, and reflections.

  • Objective

    To teach attendees about:

    • The fundamentals of Java programming and how to use Java to write applications for different requirements
    • Implementing and using inheritance and polymorphism, including interfaces and abstract classes.
    • The core object-oriented concepts including classes, interfaces, packages, objects, methods, properties, abstraction, polymorphism, inheritance, encapsulation etc.
    • Elaborate concept of Exception handling encountered during development in Java.
    • The structure of I/O streams in Java, and how to use streams to manage files.
    • To use Java Serialization to internalize and externalize potentially complex object graphs.
    • To write Thread based (multi-threaded as well) Java applications.
    • The use of Reflection API for highly generic tasks, discovery, or code-generation.
    • The use of standard Annotations and develop custom annotations to express meta-data in Java source files.
    • To communicate between processes using network sockets.

    • Prerequisites:

      This Java Developer training course is personalized for audiences ranging from novice programmers to experienced OO developers (such as in C++ or any other language) seeking to learn Java. Hence this course is useful for beginners as well as for experienced OO developers.

      Course Contents:
      Object-Oriented Programming

      Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming, Encapsulation, Inheritance, Polymorphism, Best Practices

      Getting Started with Java Standard Edition (Java SE)

      What is Java?, What is Java SE?, Writing First Java Program, Compiling and Interpreting Java Applications, JVM architecture, Installation of the JDK (on Windows and Linux)

      Datatypes and Variables

      Primitive Datatypes, Declarations, Variable Naming conventions, Numeric Literals, Character Literals, String, Arrays, Non-Primitive Datatypes

      Garbage Collection

      About garbage collection, Configuring JVM for better performance, handling OutofMemory exception

      Operators and Expressions

      What are Expressions?, Assignment Operators, Arithmetic Operators, Relational Operators, Logical Operators, Increment and Decrement Operators, Operate-Assign Operators, Conditional Operators, Operator Precedence, Type Conversions

      Conditional and Looping Statements (Control Flow)

      Statements, Conditional ‘if and if-else’ Statements, ‘switch’ Statements, while and do-while Loops, for Loops, Enhanced for Loop, The continue Statement, The break Statement


      Why Methods? , Defining Methods, Method Parameters, Calling Methods, Method Scope, Method Overriding, Method Overloading, static methods

      Objects and Classes

      Defining a Class, Creating an Object, Instance Data and Class Data, Methods, Constructors, Access Modifiers(implementation of Encapsulation),String, StringBuilder and StringBuffer, method toString(), Parameter Passing, Comparing and Identifying Objects, Destroying Objects, Using the Primitive-Type Wrapper Classes, Autoboxing

      Inner Classes

      Inner Classes, Member Classes, Local Classes, Anonymous Classes, Instance Initializers, Static Nested Classes


      Packages, Defining Packages, Configuring CLASSPATH, The import Statement, Static Imports

      Inheritance in Java

      Inheritance in Java, The java.lang.Object Class, Casting, about super keyword, Enumerated Types, Abstract Classes, Interfaces, implementation of Interfaces

      Exception Handling

      Exceptions Overview, Checked and Unchecked Exceptions and its usage, Checked versus unchecked exceptions, Catching Exceptions, The finally Block, Declaring Exceptions, Defining and Throwing Exceptions, Errors and RuntimeExceptions, Assertions.

      Input/Output Streams

      Overview of Streams, Bytes Streams vs. Characters Streams, Converting Byte Streams to Character Streams, About File I/O, Random Access Files and handling non-sequential file access, Binary Input and Output, PrintWriter Class, Basic and Filtered Streams, Reading and Writing Objects, Introduction to Encoding, Making Tokens of a Java Source Code, Serializing and Deserializing an Object, Introduction to Encoding through InputStreamReader and the OutputStreamWriter.


      ava Thread Model, Creating and Running Threads, Manipulating Thread State, Thread Synchronization, Volatile Fields and Synchronized Methods, wait and notify, join and sleep, Multi-Threaded Applications, The New Concurrency API, ThreadGroups.

      Java Collections Framework

      The Collections Framework, The Set Interface, Set Implementation Classes, The List Interface, List Implementation Classes, The Queue Interface, Queue Implementation Classes, The Map Interface, Map Implementation Classes

      Using Java 5.0 Features with Collections (Generics)

      Using Generics, Type Erasure, Type Boundaries, Wildcards, Generic Methods, Strengths and Weaknesses of Generics, Legacy Code and Generics

      Collection Sorting and Tuning

      Sorting with Comparable, Sorting with Comparator, Sorting Lists and Arrays, Collections Utility Methods, Tuning ArrayList, Tuning HashMap and HashSet


      Uses for Meta-Data, The Reflection API, The Class Class, The java.lang.reflect Package, Reading Type Information, Navigating Inheritance Trees, Dynamic Instantiation, Dynamic Invocation, Reflecting on Generics


      Aspect-Oriented Programming and Java, Annotations Model, Annotation Types and Annotations, Built-In Annotations, Annotations vs. Descriptors (XML)


      The OSI Reference Model, Network Protocols, The Socket Class, The ServerSocket Class, Using URL Objects, HTTP and Other TCP Servers, Datagram Clients and Servers, Non-Blocking Sockets.